Monday, November 26

Rain, Rain Go Away

Its a bleary, dreary ugly day. It has been raining for days now and I am more than ready for it to stop. I can't seem to get myself up and going to get anything done. The house is a wreck. The dogs don't even want to go out into this mess!

You know, I hear some artists say they paint better when they are in a down mood. Not me. I can't seem to get going when I feel blah. And of course, my emotions show up in my paintings. It is rare that I paint a lot of browns in my paintings and I really don't like using black (or white) at all. But when I tried to paint last night I found myself painting all browns and dull colors and I even picked up the tube of black paint! I still can't believe I actually used black paint. Black ink I use, but not black paint!

What is my world coming to?