Wednesday, November 7

New Prints Available

Well, once again I haven't posted in quite a while. Unfortunately, this isn't the only blog I have neglected. Having menieres disease can be a real bummer. I have spent the last three weeks in bed or lying on the sofa. My house is a wreck! I love the fall and it kills me that I can't get outside much and enjoy the weather. The most I have managed is sitting on my porch... but still, at least I have that. I have two gorgeous, huge trees in my front yard and I have really enjoyed watching them turn colors. I feel a connection to trees. I always think of them as having personalities. These two definately do.

I think of menieres as a monster. It is always lurking, just waiting until I am not expecting it and then pouncing. It is a life eater. It has managed to take away most of my freedom and make even the simplest tasks difficult. But I absolutely refuse to allow it take away my art. I can't paint as much as I used to anymore but I do paint.

The strangest thing though is this change in me. I have noticed recently that as the symptoms of this disease get progressively worse, my art is changing. Hmmm.... I'm not sure this is good or bad. Perhaps it just "is".

Well, anyway... I have just added a couple of prints to zazzle. If there is actually anyone left who reads this blog... you can find my prints here ===>

Also, here are a couple of ACEO size paintings I just completed. I have never tried painting in this format size before. These are my first ACEO's.