Sunday, February 22

ACEO Watercolor Painting - "Cry Despair"

ACEO Watercolor Painting - "Cry Despair"
Originally uploaded by Benita S.

"Cry Despair"
3.5" x 2.5" (ACEO)
Watercolor on paper

I am finally having a new studio built. There is still one area that is open to the outside. It is just a small area really but I guess it was large enough. A few days ago I found a blackbird lying in the floor where it had obviously flown in and died somehow. It didn't have a mark on it. This miniature painting was inspired by that beautiful bird. Perhaps I will name my new studio for the bird. After all it is also the location near where a blackbird made a nest last spring.
Any suggestions?

Saturday, February 21

Miniature Abstract Watercolor Painting - "Rebecca"

Miniature Abstract Watercolor Painting - "Rebecca"
Originally uploaded by Benita S.

6" x 4" (15.3 x 10 cm)
Watercolor and Ink on Paper

Friday, February 20

Miniature Watercolor Painting - A Man and the Moon

Miniature Watercolor Painting - A Man and the Moon
Originally uploaded by Benita S.

"A Man and the Moon"
1.5" x 2" (4 x 5 cm)
Mixed Media - Watercolor and Ink on Paper

Thursday, February 19

Mini Abstract Watercolor Painting - Reclining Nude

Mini Abstract Watercolor Painting - Reclining Nude
Originally uploaded by Benita S.

"Reclining Nude"
6" x 4" (15.3 x 10 cm)
Watercolor on paper

I know I haven't posted in a while... sorry, but my studio is in the process of being built and everything is a mess! Of course, right in the middle of all the chaos I had the urge to paint, paint, paint.... So here is the 1st in my newest series in the smallworks category.

I won't promise I will be able to post daily right now but I will try to get at least a couple of posts done a week. Until then...

Friday, February 6

Daily Painting - The Garden at Midnight (Abstract Landscape)

"The Garden at Midnight"
6" x 6" (15 x 15 cm)
Acrylic / Mixed Media on Cradled Wood Panel
Part of the Smallworks Series

Here is my latest in the Smallworks Series. This one is only 6" x 6" and is 1-1/2" deep. The painting extends beyond the edges so it is intended to be displayed unframed.

I finally got part of my computer fixed. So now I am playing "catch-up". Hopefully I will be able to get everything working back the way it's suppose to soon. Again, wish me luck!

Wednesday, February 4

Abstract Landscape Painting - A Sure Sign

Abstract Landscape Painting - A Sure Sign
Originally uploaded by Benita S.

"A Sure Sign"
Acrylic on Canvas
11" x 14" (28 x 36 cm)

I usually post a painting a day but my computer has been very naughty the last week so here is the 1st in a while. As usual I am still obsessed with trees. :)

I am still working on my computer so please be patient with me in case I hit a snag. I am seriously thinking of replacing it. It's old anyway, I just feel so wasteful since it still works! I guess I am an oddball in a throw-away society. lol