Woman in Black and Red
Originally uploaded by Benita S.
ACEO - Miniature Painting
Ink and Watercolor
My interpretation of a vintage photo (public domain). It looked a little creepy to me so I decided to go with red and black only.
ACEO - Miniature Painting
Ink and Watercolor
My interpretation of a vintage photo (public domain). It looked a little creepy to me so I decided to go with red and black only.
Acrylic on canvas panel (eco-friendly)
11" x 14"
Title: Fashion
ACEO Size 2.5" x 3.5"
Mini OSWOA Painting 6" x 4"
Mixed Media
I have acquired quite an obsession with vintage photos recently. While looking for a few as reference for paintings I came across this and wanted to share.
Mixed Media on paper
Mixed Media
Miniature (4" x 6" / 10 cm x 15 cm)
I have to use magnifying glasses to paint these little paintings. They are completely handpainted and aren't manipulated or touched up on the computer. What you see is it. :)
This one turned out a little different from my usual style but I think maybe it was because I was experimenting with my paint. At any rate, I liked how it turned out so here it is.